San Marcos Gentle Dental Blog

Get in The Swim for Tooth Safety

September 1, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:58 am

Summertime is perfect for going to the beach, swimming, and lounging by the pool, but summer fun also presents potential hazards for your teeth.  Here are some tips to recognize, prevent, and deal with problems and  injuries which may occur.

In order to protect people from water-borne illnesses, most pools are carefully treated with chlorine, bromide, and other chemicals.  Too much of these chemicals can actually stain your teeth a yellowish-brown color or erode the enamel on your teeth.  People who swim more than six hours a week are particularly vulnerable to the brown-colored tarter that builds up on teeth.  Sometimes referred to as “swimmers’ calculus,” it’s evident in as many as 58% of the children and teenagers who are active participants in swimming programs.

To avoid the effects of too much exposure to chlorine and other chemicals: limit your time in the pool, try to shower and brush after swimming, avoid getting pool water in your mouth, and let us know if you notice any change in the color of your teeth or if they feel rough.

Swimming pools and waterslides are sources of fun and relaxation; unfortunately they’re also sources of injuries.  According to The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 2/3 of all waterslide injuries result in chipped or cracked teeth.  Remind your family to walk not run around the pool, and to avoid horseplay or diving into shallow water.  We hope everyone enjoys their summer safely and by following these tips to maintain your beautiful smile.

Grown-up Solutions for Straighter Teeth

August 30, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:43 am

There are several reasons many adults are seeking a straighter smile.  You may not have had orthodontic treatment as a child or experienced tooth loss and shifting teeth as an adult.  No matter what the reason there are several options we offer to keep you from getting called “metal mouth.”

Invisalign, also known as “invisible braces,” allow you to straighten your teeth using clear trays that are practically unseen by others.  The trays are removable which allow you to eat and drink what you want, and brush and floss to maintain healthy teeth and gums.  There are no wires, metal, or brackets to cause mouth abrasion which makes for pain-free treatment.  Dr. Donnelly offers free consultations for Invisalign, so call today to see what the talk is all about concerning Invisalign.

There are also instant ortho options which refer to aesthetic dental procedures that can improve the health of your teeth and enhance the appearance of your smile.  Veneers are small thin shells of porcelain that are bonded over existing teeth.  Rather than using braces and having to wait month or years to achieve straight teeth, they are placed directly into position for an instant smile makeover with dramatic results.  Crowns are another option that are used often to restore chipped, cracked, or broken teeth.  Using natural-looking porcelain we can create a crown to cover the remaining tooth.  This also helps protect your tooth and seal out bacteria.

According to a recent study by the University of North Carolina, men who have perfectly aligned pearly whites are associated with qualities such as dominance, strength, and social competence.  Not only does it appeal to the opposite sex, but it also helps to heighten your own self confidence.  In business, you appearance often speaks before you do, so a good first impression is important.  A healthy smile may help open the doors to a new partnership, a relationship, or simply a pleasant meeting.  There are so many options available to help boost your oral health and overall appearance.  You may be interested in whitening up your smile, which can be done in just one visit with Zoom bleaching.  It may be a straighter smile that can be attained by using Invisalign or porcelain veneers.  Whatever your goals are for your smile, we hope you will allow us to help you realize them. 

Please visit our website at or call us directly at (512) 396-5225 to learn more about the options we offer to help create the beautiful smile you deserve!!!

Periodontal Disease Affects All Ages

January 21, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:27 am

You may think periodontal disease is something you won’t have to worry about until much later in life.  While it is true that periodontal disease is much more prevalent in older adults, some stage of it can affect anyone, no matter how young or old.  There are four basic stages:

Gingivitis: This is the earliest form of the disease-with red and puffy gums, but no bone loss (pocketing greater than 3 millimeters).  If treated at this stage the gums may revert back to health.

Early Periodontal Disease: Displayed by gingivitis plus a loss of bone.  When treated at this stage, you may maintain a healthy mouth, but bone lost will never be regained.

Moderate Periodontal Disease: All of the above, plus a deepening of pockets.  At this stage, 20-50% of bone is lost and loosening of teeth (mobility) is noted.

Advanced Periodontal Disease: The most severe form.  One or more teeth may be at risk for loss.  More mobility is noted and a greater than 50% loss of bone.

Children of all ages tend to suffer from some degree of gingivitis during their childhood.  For otherwise healthy children, they typically don’t have the more damaging bacteria, P. gingivalis and T. denticola.  One survey found 3.6% of young adults (age 18-34) had periodontal disease.  Another study found 86% of people over 70 had at least moderate periodontal disease.  Another interesting fact is periodontal disease tends to spread through families.  While it’s not know whether this is due to genetics, intimacy, hygeine habits, or a combination of factors, studies have found children of parents with periodontal disease are 12 times mroe likely to suffer from it as some point.

Symptoms of Gum Disease Include:

*Bleeding and/or receding gums

*Puffy, red, and tender gums

*Bad breath that won’t go away

*Visible space between your teeth and gums

*Loosening (mobility) of teeth

*Changes in your bite

Could Implants Be For You?

August 4, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:03 am

Implants are the fastest growing sector of dentistry and with good reason.  They are a marvel of design elegance and deceptive simplicity.  They look and feel so completely natural, it is like halting the hands of time.  You can even retrofit existing dentures with implants to end the frustration of a poor fit.  Many times you can leave the office the same day being able to eat comfortably, have a pleasant conversation, laugh, and talk with confidence.  It sounds too good to be true, but it is, and all of this at an extremely affordable price.

Implants are anchored permanently in your jawbone just like the biological roots of your teeth, so you can replace a single tooth, several teeth, or an entire jaw.  They can also secure overdentures or a crown or bridge restoration.  You can once again enjoy a normal diet and speak clearly.  It prevents shifting teeth, bone recession, and an aged sunken appearance.  They’re very long lasting and a patient’s age is not an issue.  They require only normal home care, look good, and feel good allowing you truly exceptional benefits.

The Facts About Oral Cancer

July 16, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:51 pm

Cancer is a disease characterized by an abnormal growth and spread of malignant cells.  It can set up home in any part of your body–some areas being more susceptible to it than others.  While many types of cancer are often in the news–breast cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer for example–one that is often overlooked is oral cancer, but can be just as serious.  Unfortunately, in the early stages, oral cancer is painless and therefore can go unnoticed.

As with many cancers the main thing to remember about oral cancer is that it can be cured if caught early and treated.  As a matter of fact, oral cancer has one of the highest cure rates of cancers!  This is why we perform an oral cancer screening at every dental hygiene (cleaning) appointment.

Dr. Donnelly is a member of the Board of Directors for the Jack T. Clark Foundation.  Their mission is to improve the public’s oral health by promoting early detection and prevention of oral cancer in conjunction with the education of patients and healthcare providers.  Oral cancer strikes an estimated 35,000 people annually in the United States.  A person dies from oral cancer in the U.S. once every hour of every day.  When detected early, the survival rate of oral cancer is 80-90%.  Unfortunately, the majority of cases are detected as late stage cancer, and the survival rate is currently only 45%.

While everyone should be concerned, smokers and heavy drinkers have the highest incidence of oral cancer.  Smokeless tobacco users also have a significantly higher risk.  The best way to reduce your risk is to stop these harmful habits.

Everyone is different, but there are some common warning signs and symptoms of oral cancer.  If you notice any of the following please contact your dentist for a screening immediately:

* A sore on your gums, lips, tongue or inside your cheek that doesn’t heal within two to three weeks.

* White, scaly patches inside your mouth or on your lips.  The patch may have a “leathery” appearance.

* Any unusual swelling or lump in your mouth, neck, tongue or lips.

* An unexplained numbness or pain in your mouth or throat.

* Repeated oral bleeding with no apparent cause.

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