Veneers – San Marcos, TX

Correcting Chips, Stains, and More

The smile you want is not always the smile you have, due in no small part to discolored spots, small chips, and other imperfections that can appear on your teeth as time passes. However, creating the gleaming grin of your dreams is often well within your reach thanks to veneers, which can be used to correct multiple flaws all at once! For more information about veneers, get in touch with our team at San Marcos Gentle Dental today.

Why Choose San Marcos Gentle Dental for Veneers?

  • Natural-Looking, Reliable Materials
  • Advanced Smile Design Software
  • Excellent
    Customer Service

What are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are different from the crowns that you may be more familiar with. A crown is a cap that covers the entire tooth. A veneer, on the other hand, is a thin sheath and is only placed on the front of the tooth. The shade of the veneer is carefully chosen to match your other teeth so that it won’t be obvious that you’ve had cosmetic dental work done.

You may be a candidate for veneers if you have:

  • Teeth that are slightly chipped or cracked.
  • Any stains on your enamel that you can’t get rid of with teeth whitening.
  • Teeth that are unusually short or are visibly more worn down than normal.
  • Small yet noticeable gaps between specific teeth.
  • A slightly crooked smile.

The Benefits of Veneers

Veneers allow you to make big changes to your smile in just two appointments; in many cases, you can address all of your aesthetic issues in one fell swoop. They’re considered more conservative than dental crowns since not as much enamel needs to be removed to place them. And of course, there’s the fact that they can last 15 years or more with proper maintenance, ensuring that you’ll get plenty of mileage out of your more dazzling grin.