Sedation Dentistry – San Marcos, TX

Have a Relaxing Dental Visit

Do you find yourself tensing up at just the thought of stepping foot in a dental office? Millions of people have the same problem, and it sometimes causes them to skip appointments to the detriment of their oral health. Don’t let your dental anxiety control you; instead, get in touch with our team at San Marcos Gentle Dental to ask about the options we offer for sedation dentistry and how they might help you have a more positive experience during your next dental visit.

Why Choose San Marcos Gentle Dental for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Multiple Options for Relaxing Sedation
  • Patient-Focused, Relationship-Based Care
  • Comfortable, Privately-Owned Practice

Oral Conscious Sedation

If you decide to have oral conscious sedation performed, you’ll be given some medication before your appointment. Oftentimes we’ll instruct you to take it about an hour or so ahead of time since it can take a while for the effects to kick in. Once they do, though, you’ll feel very calm and relaxed. Time will seem to fly by, and you may have trouble remembering what happened while you were in the chair; however, you will remain conscious and capable of following our directions.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide is a naturally occurring gas that can cause feelings of euphoria and relaxation. It’s commonly used to help patients stay comfortable during various dental procedures. The sedative is inhaled through a small mask placed over the nose. After you take off the mask, you’ll only have to wait a few minutes for the effects to wear off. This means you can simply carry on with the rest of your day as normal after your appointment; you won’t need to spend time resting at home.

Who is a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

There are plenty of reasons why you might be able to benefit from sedation dentistry:

  • You need a certain dental procedure that is expected to take a long time.
  • You are afraid or nervous when it comes to dental care.
  • You have very sensitive teeth or gums.
  • You have trouble sitting still or holding your mouth open.
  • You’re unable to stop yourself from gagging during dental treatments.

Don’t hesitate to let our team know if you’re interested in having sedation dentistry performed.