Invisalign Clear Aligners – San Marcos, TX

How We Help Patients with Misaligned Smiles

Misaligned teeth are a cosmetic issue, but they can affect your health in various ways as well, such as making it more difficult to brush as thoroughly as you need to. At San Marcos Gentle Dental, we have an answer for mild orthodontic issues: Invisalign clear aligners. Unlike braces, Invisalign won’t stop you from eating the foods you want, and it blends in with your smile much better. Call our dental office today if you’re interested in starting treatment with Invisalign in San Marcos.

Why Choose San Marcos Gentle Dental for Invisalign Clear Aligners?

  • State-of-the-Art
  • Skilled, Knowledgeable Dentist
  • Practice That Puts Patients First

How Does Invisalign Work?

Several Invisalign clear aligners on a desk with one pair inside of carrying case

An alternative to traditional orthodontics, Invisalign is a system of clear plastic aligners that gently shift teeth into the proper place. These aligner trays are nearly invisible so that adults can undergo orthodontic therapy without the embarrassment and immature look of noticeable brackets and braces. This way, you will be able to maintain your professional appearance while improving your oral health.

Leaving misaligned teeth to their own devices can result in many complications. Crooked teeth are harder to care for, leaving you susceptible to problems with gum disease, and can create TMJ issues. Treating crookedness is a sure way to help prevent complicated dilemmas with your dental well-being.

We will carefully take records of your mouth to send to Invisalign. They, in turn, will use this information to create your customized Invisalign trays. You’ll wear an Invisalign tray night and day, removing it only to brush, floss, eat, and drink. As your smile responds to this treatment, you’ll upgrade to the next aligner in the series. This usually happens about every two weeks. Regular visits are necessary during your treatment time, so we can check that your teeth are responding positively to this therapy. Please feel free to ask any questions that you have about your Invisalign system. Our team will be happy to help as you work to achieve a beautiful, healthy smile.

Benefits of Invisalign

Smiling blonde woman holding an Invisalign aligner

Invisalign invisible braces can help you get the great smile you have always wanted because they're:

  • Invisible, so no one can tell you are straightening your teeth. Now you can smile more during treatment as well as after.
  • Removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment, plus brushing and flossing are no problem.
  • Comfortable because it has no metal to cause mouth abrasions during treatment, and you will spend less time in Dr. Donnelly's office getting adjustments.