Replace Missing Teeth – San Marcos, TX

Because Complete Smiles are Healthy Smiles

You should never make the mistake of thinking that a missing tooth isn’t a big deal. Losing even just one tooth can lead to alignment issues and problems with your jaw. It will also make eating, speaking, and smiling more difficult. To regain a complete, beautiful smile, you should quickly get in touch with our team at San Marcos Gentle Dental. From traditional dentures to state-of-the-art dental implants, there are multiple ways we can help solve your problem by replacing missing teeth in San Marcos.

Why Choose San Marcos Gentle Dental for Replacing Missing Teeth?

  • In-Office Dental Implant Placement
  • CT/Cone Beam Scanner for Accurate Treatment Planning
  • Pain-Free Solutions to Keep Patients Comfortable

Dental Bridges

Illustration of dental bridge being placed to replace a missing tooth

Dental bridges can be used in a couple of different situations; they can replace a single tooth, but they might also be a good option if two or more consecutive teeth are missing. Each bridge has a specific number of artificial teeth suspended between a pair of crowns. Said crowns are used to anchor the bridge to the teeth on either side of the gap. Once your bridge is in place, you will no longer have to worry about your other teeth drifting into the open space.


Full dentures on table next to two dental mirrors

Getting a denture typically means one of two things: using a partial denture to fill in multiple gaps in your smile or using a full denture to replace the entire arch. Both kinds of dentures consist of a gum-colored base and natural-looking prosthetic teeth. Since dentures are removable, you can take them out at bedtime to give your mouth a break; you’ll also be able to clean underneath them more easily to get rid of bacteria and food particles.

Learn More About Dentures

Dental Implants

Illustrated dental implant in the lower jawbone replacing a missing tooth

Dental implants can last for 30 years or more, and they’re a much more permanent solution compared to other types of tooth loss. Additionally, they can perform the same functions as the roots of your teeth; this includes stimulating the jawbone so that it doesn’t degenerate. If you schedule a dental implant consultation with our team, we can explain more about the benefits of dental implants and check your mouth to see if you’re a good candidate.

Learn More About Dental Implants